Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are you flying this trip?
    I came across a beautiful, abandoned aircraft at a remote Brazilian jungle airport & decided to bring her back to life.  You can read all about it here.
  • Are you a real person?
    I, Maxwell Stanley, am a person to the same extent as Scarface or Harry Potter.
  • What is your real world aviation background?
    My real world operator is a licensed pilot.  I trust him to back-up all of my decisions made in my world.
  • Why choose the BE76?
    The Duchess is sexy, capable & available...does it remind you of reasons why to choose something else in your life?  Wink, wink.
  • How many legs will you fly?
    I'm not sure.  It depends on FSEconomy dynamics & my mood.  I won't fly fewer than 400 legs or more than 999 legs.
  • How long will your trip last?
    My trip will last more than one year, but less than three years.  Who knows?
  • Are you making your own Ortho scenery?
  • What does "ZL18" mean?
    "Zoom Level 18" - which refers to the resolution of the ortho tiles.  This is the maximum resolution available, which gives me the most accurate in-sim experience.
  • Can I make a suggestion for a stopover destination?
    Sure, let me know.
  • How do I contact you?
    Click here.
  • What if you crash?
    My trip would end.  But I don't plan on having an accident.
  • Do you simulate maintenance & failures?
    Yes, you'll see entries in my logbook for maintenance payments, aircraft washes & fixes for in-flight failures.
  • What hardware are you using?
    I fly with a 2023 MacBook Pro laptop (Apple M3 Max, 48GB memory), Honeycomb First Generation Alpha Flight Control, Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant, Logitech G Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals & iPad Pro (12.9-inch, 4th generation) with Navigraph flight planning.
  • Do you use time compression?
  • How realistic are your flights?
    100% realistic.  I engage in thorough flight planning with weather, weight & balance, fuel calculations & real world NOTAMS, follow a complete pre-flight routine, operate using real world flight procedures, simulate a complete tie-down process & complete post-flight logbook & flight entry paperwork.  Additionally, my BE76 sim aircraft is 100% accurate in terms of performance & real world fuel burn.
  • What aircraft do you fly & where do I get it?
    I fly the magnificent JustFlight Beechcraft Duchess, which can be purchased here.
  • What is FSEconomy?
    FSEconomy is a long-standing online multiplayer economic simulation that offers me assignments, compensation, fuel sales & other financial metrics to simulate a more realistic flight.  It is free to use & can be visited here.
  • Is there a link to your aircraft on FSEconomy?
    Yes, you can follow Wanda here.
  • How are you affiliated with your sponsor?
    My real world operator may work at, author, or own (or perhaps all three) EuroPPL.  That's for him to disclose.
  • Where can I download the scenery?
    Each leg of my journey has at least 75GB of ortho scenery.  Early on, I made each leg's scenery available as a download package on this website, but my hosting provider threatened to unpublish the project due to the high file sizes.  Until I find a different solution, you can build your own ortho tiles by following this guide.